Urban Beekeeper

Can You Be an Urban Beekeeper?

Beekeeping has been around for centuries, in all civilizations across the world. It is not something new however incorporating hives into the urban landscape is becoming more “on trend” as more people look to sustainable living options.  Beekeeping has long been exclusively for country folk with lots of open-air space and large acres of bushland or farms. However, the more knowledgeable and adventurous urban folk get, the more we are seeing the urban beekeeper emerge.

Becoming an urban beekeeper does have its obstacles and requires time and hard work. However, by reading on, you will see the rewards of supporting the world’s most important insect far out way these challenges.

Do I have Enough Space?

The biggest challenge hopeful urban beekeepers face is space. Surrounded by a concrete jungle with nosey neighbours or a busy highway can leave you feeling hopeless for your new little bee friends. However, all you need to do is look up! A common place for beehives in the city is on rooftops. A great example of utilising an urban rooftop can be seen with the Melbourne City Rooftop Honey Project. Bees can surprise you in their adaptability, they will be able to navigate their environment exceptionally well and make the best of their urban home.

Finding Flowers in the City

Another common concern for urban beekeepers is access to the most important part of a bee’s life, nectar and pollen. You’d be very surprised to learn that bees can travel up to 10km   from their hive to collect the necessary pollen. Bees are hardy little creatures with unmatched work ethic, they will visit your neighbour’s balcony pot plant, the shrubs at your local school and even the weeds in the footpath. However, to assist your friends you should plant lots of flowers near their hive, it will also give you a beautiful visual garden.

Daisy and Marigold

Love Thy Neighbour

Although you might love your new friends, your neighbours might not be so receptive. Getting your neighbours on board is important, persuading them with a little jar of honey goodness might be all it takes, however sometimes bees can be really intimidating for people. We suggest making sure you have an educational chat with your neighbours and introduce them to your beehive or even just letting them know you’re open to their concerns.

Urban bee hive

Becoming an urban beekeeper is an exciting but challenging adventure. The team here at AB’s Honey know these challenges and rewards all too well and that is why we have dedicated ourselves to bringing you only the most sustainable and 100% pure honey in Australia.

You can find our full range of Australian Manuka, table honey and honey-related products in our online shop or call us on 07 3823 4576 for more information.


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